⏱ 18 Min Meetings

Add these meeting notes to your project management or meeting notes software and include in follow-up communications

Product Meetings
Project Meetings

Encourage more productive and efficient meetings with this 18Min Template

The idea behind 18-minute meetings is to encourage more productive and efficient meetings. Research has shown that the average human attention span is around 20 minutes, so an 18-minute meeting is a way to keep everyone focused and engaged throughout the entire meeting.

Additionally, shorter meetings are often more effective because they force participants to be more concise and to focus on the most important points. This can help to reduce unnecessary discussion and make it easier to reach decisions quickly.

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⚡️ Introductions (2 mins)

Quick opportunity for the team to build rapport and break the ice.

Attendees should introduce themselves and share a brief personal or work-related update. This helps to create a more relaxed and positive atmosphere for the meeting.

📝 Setting up the meeting context (2 mins)

  • What are you looking to achieve in this meeting?
  • What is required from attendees?

In this section, the meeting leader should clearly outline the purpose of the meeting and what they hope to achieve. It's also important to communicate any specific requirements from attendees, such as bringing data or documents to the meeting.

💬 Discussion points (10 mins)

  • Attendees to add any applicable discussion points here before the meeting.

This is the bulk of the meeting, where attendees can add any discussion points they want to cover before the meeting starts. The meeting leader can also add any discussion points that they want to cover. Attendees should be encouraged to be concise and focused to ensure that all discussion points can be covered within the allotted time.

✅ Next Steps (3 min)

Each item should have a clear deliverable, date and person responsible. Which stakeholders will be affected and how will they be informed?

This section is for outlining specific next steps that need to be taken after the meeting. Each item should have a clear deliverable, date, and person responsible. This ensures that everyone knows what they need to do and when they need to do it. It's also important to consider which stakeholders will be affected by these next steps and how they will be informed.

👥 Estimated Resources (1 mins)

  • Include a plan to get these resources in place too.

Estimating any resources that may be required to complete the next steps outlined in the previous section. This could include people, time, or money. Having a plan in place to get these resources ensures that the next steps can be completed successfully.

Finally, shorter meetings can also help to improve team productivity and morale by freeing up more time for other tasks and reducing the amount of time spent in unproductive meetings. By keeping meetings short and focused, teams can stay on track with their work and avoid feeling overwhelmed or burnt out.