πŸ€– Engineering Intern Interview

Hire new interns with a simple Q&A template for engineering internship

Interview Meetings
Engineering Meetings

Here are the top 5 things to look for when hiring an engineering intern:

  1. Technical skills: Look for candidates with strong technical skills in the relevant field of engineering.
  2. Passion for learning: Find an intern who is eager to learn and excited to take on new challenges.
  3. Communication skills: An engineering intern should be able to communicate effectively with others, ask questions, and work collaboratively.
  4. Problem-solving skills: Look for someone with strong problem-solving abilities and the ability to think creatively.
  5. Attention to detail: Find an intern who has a keen eye for detail and can spot and correct errors in complex systems.

These qualities are essential for a successful engineering intern who can contribute to the team and bring value to the company.

Use this template to find the right candidate.

Try now on Loopin!Β 

🀝 Introduction

Allow the candidate to introduce themselves to you and potentially other interviewers.

  • Tell me about yourself

βš™οΈ General Interview Questions

Ask the interviewee the questions listed below:

  • Have you previously interned as an engineer? What engineering experience did you acquire?
  • Why do you want to be an engineer?
  • Why did you pick our organization for an intern position?
  • What do you appreciate most and least about engineering?
  • What are the hard and soft skills that help you accomplish your work?
  • What strategies do you use to keep yourself organized?
  • Where do you see yourself 5 years from now?


  • Any Questions for me?
