🙌 Monthly Catchup

Catchup with your team monthly to review the updates and define goals for the next month

Team Meetings
Executive Meetings

Tips for Effectively Using This Template

Monthly catchup as the name suggests is a meeting is to review the progress of a project, program or team over the past month, discuss any issues or challenges that have arisen, and plan for the upcoming month. These meetings are typically used in organisations to ensure that everyone is up to date on the status of projects, and to ensure that progress is being made towards meeting overall goals and objectives. Monthly catch-up meetings may include the following:

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💪 Wins

Share wins from the week.

The team shares their accomplishments and successes from the past month, which can help to build morale and motivate team members to continue working towards their goals.

🛠️ Product updates

Discuss any product updates.

The team discusses any updates or developments related to the product, which may include new features, bug fixes, or other changes.

💻 Marketing updates

Discuss any marketing updates.

The team discusses any updates or developments related to marketing, which may include new campaigns, metrics, or other initiatives.

💰 Sales updates

Discuss any sales updates.

The team discusses any updates or developments related to sales, which may include new deals, pipelines, or other sales-related metrics.

📋 Project updates

Discuss any project updates.

The team discusses any updates or developments related to projects, which may include new milestones, timelines, or other progress-related metrics.

💭 Insights and learnings

Discuss any new insights and learnings.

The team discusses any new insights or learnings that they have gained over the past month, which can help to inform future decision-making.

🥅 Goals for Next Month

The team identifies their goals and objectives for the upcoming month, and outlines specific action items and tasks that need to be completed to achieve these goals.

Overall, the purpose of a monthly catch-up meeting is to ensure that the team is aligned on progress, challenges, and goals, and to facilitate communication and collaboration among team members. By holding regular catch-up meetings, organisations can ensure that their projects and programs stay on track and that everyone is working towards the same objectives.