Impact Mapping

person working on blue and white paper on board

Impact mapping is a strategic planning technique that helps product managers to visualize the impact of their products. It is a collaborative process that involves cross-functional teams, including product owners, developers, and stakeholders.

The goal of impact mapping is to identify the business goals and objectives that a product should achieve. It helps product managers to prioritize features and functionalities based on their potential impact on the business.

Impact mapping consists of four elements: Why, Who, How, and What. The "Why" element identifies the business objectives that the product should achieve. The "Who" element identifies the stakeholders who will be impacted by the product. The "How" element identifies the actions that the stakeholders will take to achieve the business objectives. And finally, the "What" element identifies the features and functionalities that the product should have to support the stakeholders' actions.

Impact mapping helps product managers to focus on the most valuable features and functionalities that will have the greatest impact on the business. It also helps to align the product development process with the business objectives, which reduces the risk of building products that do not meet the business needs.

In conclusion, impact mapping is a powerful tool that every product manager should have in their toolkit. It helps to define the business objectives, identify the stakeholders, and prioritize features and functionalities based on their potential impact on the business. By using impact mapping, product managers can build products that are aligned with the business needs and deliver the greatest value to the stakeholders.