
person holding purple and white card

Kanban is a lean manufacturing technique that is used to manage and improve work processes. It is a visual system that helps teams to manage and optimize their workflow by visualizing the work, limiting work in progress, and continuously improving the process. The word "Kanban" comes from Japanese and means "visual signal" or "card".

In Kanban, work items are represented as cards or sticky notes on a board. The board is divided into columns that represent the different stages of the workflow, such as "To Do", "In Progress", and "Done". Each card or sticky note represents a work item, and it contains information about the task or project, such as its priority, due date, and who is responsible for it.

The main goal of Kanban is to reduce waste and increase efficiency by limiting the amount of work in progress (WIP). This helps to prevent overloading team members and ensures that work is completed in a timely manner. By limiting WIP, teams can focus on completing tasks instead of starting new ones, which can lead to unfinished work and delays.

Kanban also emphasizes continuous improvement. Teams are encouraged to regularly review and optimize their workflow to identify areas for improvement. This can include identifying bottlenecks, reducing cycle time, and improving communication and collaboration among team members.

Overall, Kanban is a powerful tool for managing and optimizing work processes. It helps teams to visualize their work, limit work in progress, and continuously improve their workflow. By implementing Kanban, teams can increase efficiency, reduce waste, and deliver high-quality products and services to their customers.