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Give Away Your Legos: A Guide to Letting Go of Control

Give Away Your Legos: A Guide to Letting Go of Control

The phrase "give away your Legos" is a metaphor for letting go of control and delegating tasks. It means accepting that we do not have to be the sole creator of our lives and work. Instead, we can collaborate with others and delegate tasks to free up time and resources.

As children, we may have spent hours building intricate structures with Lego blocks, meticulously placing each piece to create the perfect structure. However, as adults, we often find it challenging to let go of control and delegate tasks to others. We may feel that only we can do things the "right way," but this mindset can harm our personal and professional growth.

The phrase "give away your Legos" is a metaphor for letting go of control and delegating tasks. It means accepting that we do not have to be the sole creator of our lives and work. Instead, we can collaborate with others and delegate tasks to free up time and resources.

The benefits of letting go of control

Letting go of control can lead to numerous benefits, including improved productivity, better relationships, and reduced stress levels. Delegating tasks and collaborating with others allows us to focus on our strengths, leading to increased efficiency and creativity.

Why We Hold On to Control

Understanding why we hold on to control is the first step in letting go. Some common reasons for this behavior include fear of failure, perfectionism, lack of trust, and emotional attachment.

Fear of failure

Many of us have a fear of failure, which can make us reluctant to delegate tasks or collaborate with others. We may worry that if we do not do something ourselves, it will not be done correctly or meet our high standards.


Perfectionism can also contribute to control issues. We may feel that only we can do something perfectly, so we refuse to delegate tasks or collaborate with others.

Lack of trust

A lack of trust in others can also make it difficult to let go of control. We may believe that no one can do something as well as we can, so we refuse to delegate tasks or collaborate with others.

Emotional attachment

Lastly, emotional attachment to a task or project can make it challenging to delegate or collaborate. We may feel that the task is a part of our identity, so we are reluctant to let others take control.

Recognizing When Control Becomes a Problem

Control issues can harm our relationships and productivity. Some signs that control has become a problem include micromanaging others, feeling stressed or overwhelmed, and a lack of work-life balance.

How it affects relationships and productivity

When we hold on to control, we may unintentionally micromanage others, causing resentment and disengagement. Additionally, when we refuse to delegate tasks or collaborate, we may become overwhelmed and burnt out, leading to decreased productivity and poor work-life balance.

Learning to Let Go

Learning to let go of control takes practice, but it is essential for personal and professional growth. It involves identifying what is and isn't in our control, accepting imperfection, building trust, and understanding emotional attachment.

Identifying what is and isn't in your control

We need to recognize that some things are outside of our control, and trying to control them will only lead to frustration and stress. Instead, we should focus on what we can control, such as our attitude and our actions.

Accepting imperfection

No one is perfect, and accepting imperfection is an essential part of letting go of control. We need to recognize that mistakes happen, and it is okay to delegate tasks to others who may do things differently.

Building trust

Building trust in others is crucial for letting go of control. We need to believe that others can do things as well as we can and trust that they will do their best.

Understanding emotional attachment

Lastly, understanding our emotional attachment to a task or project is essential for letting go of control. We need to recognize when our emotions are getting in the way of delegating tasks or collaborating with others.

The Importance of Delegation

Delegation is an essential part of letting go of control. It involves assigning tasks to others and empowering them to take ownership of those tasks. Delegation can lead to numerous benefits, including increased efficiency, improved teamwork, and personal and professional growth.

How to delegate effectively

To delegate effectively, we need to communicate clearly and provide adequate resources and support. We should also provide feedback and recognize the efforts of those we delegate tasks to.

Benefits of delegation

Delegation can lead to increased productivity, improved teamwork, and personal and professional growth. It allows us to focus on our strengths and frees up time and resources for other tasks.

The Art of Collaboration

Collaboration involves working with others towards a common goal. It is essential for personal and professional growth and can lead to increased creativity, innovation, and improved relationships.

The importance of teamwork

Teamwork is crucial for effective collaboration. We need to recognize the strengths and weaknesses of others and work together to achieve a common goal.

Tips for effective collaboration

To collaborate effectively, we need to communicate clearly, listen actively, and be open to feedback. We should also recognize the contributions of others and celebrate successes together.

How collaboration fosters creativity and innovation

Collaboration fosters creativity and innovation by bringing together diverse perspectives and ideas. When we collaborate with others, we can see things from a different point of view and develop new solutions and approaches.


Letting go of control can be challenging, but it is essential for personal and professional growth. By recognizing the reasons we hold on to control and learning to let go, we can improve our productivity, relationships, and well-being. Delegation and collaboration are essential tools for letting go of control, and they can lead to increased creativity, innovation, and personal and professional growth.