Minimum Marketable Release (MMR)

person holding red box

The Minimum Marketable Release (MMR) is the smallest set of features that can be released to the market and provide value to the customers. It is a crucial concept in Product Management as it helps in defining the scope of the product and its roadmap.

The MMR is determined by considering the customer needs, market trends, and the product vision. It is important to note that the MMR should not be confused with the Minimum Viable Product (MVP). While the MVP is the smallest set of features that can be built to test a hypothesis, the MMR is the smallest set of features that can be released to the market and provide value to the customers.

The MMR serves as a starting point for the product roadmap and helps in prioritizing the features. The features that are not included in the MMR are moved to the backlog and considered for future releases. The MMR also helps in managing the expectations of the stakeholders and ensures that the product development stays focused.

The MMR should be released as soon as possible to get feedback from the customers and validate the assumptions. This feedback is then used to improve the product and define the next set of features.

In conclusion, the Minimum Marketable Release (MMR) is a critical concept in Product Management that helps in defining the scope of the product and its roadmap. It is the smallest set of features that can be released to the market and provide value to the customers. The MMR serves as a starting point for the product roadmap and helps in prioritizing the features. It is important to release the MMR as soon as possible to get feedback from the customers and validate the assumptions.