✅ Product Release Meeting

Meet with customer-facing teams about a new product release? Use this template to provide a product demo and outline product launch strategies for each team.

Customer Success Meetings
Product Meetings

Get the most out of this Product Release meeting template

A product release meeting is a critical meeting that brings together various teams involved in the release of a new product. The purpose of the meeting is to provide updates on the progress of the product release, demo the product, and discuss pre and post-launch strategies. Here's how you can conduct a product release meeting using the following template:

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📝 Meeting context

Describe the context of the meeting. Explain the importance of the product release and what the meeting hopes to achieve.

🖥 Demo

Provide a demo of the new product to give attendees a clear understanding of what the product is and how it works. Encourage feedback from the attendees to help improve the product.

⚡️ Pre-launch

Run through each team and their strategy for product pre-launch.

  • Sales
  • Marketing
  • Customer Success

Review each team's strategy for product pre-launch. Start with sales, followed by marketing and customer success teams. Discuss what each team is doing to prepare for the product launch, including target audience, messaging, and promotional tactics.

🚀 Post-Launch

Run through each team and their strategy for product post-launch.

  • Sales
  • Marketing
  • Customer Success

Review each team's strategy for product post-launch. Start with sales, followed by marketing and customer success teams. Discuss what each team is doing to support the product launch, including training, support, and customer communication.

ℹ️ Product Information

Provide additional information and resources about the new product for teams to use going forward.

This information should include product documentation, training materials, and support information.

By conducting a product release meeting using this template, you can ensure that everyone involved in the product release is informed and aligned with the launch strategy.