♟ Quarterly Product Strategy

Set your quarterly product strategy, share insights and plan next steps

Team Meetings
Product Meetings

How to conduct a Quarterly product strategy meetings

These meetings can be very valuable for companies for a number of reasons. By regularly reviewing the company's long-term product vision, progress towards goals, and responding to changing market conditions, the product team can remain focused, adaptable, and innovative.

Additionally, the meetings can help to align cross-functional teams, avoid duplication of effort, and build a culture of innovation and continuous improvement. Overall, conducting quarterly product strategy meetings can be an effective way to ensure the company's product strategy remains relevant and aligned with business goals while achieving better overall business outcomes.

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🤝 Introduction

Introduce the goals of the meeting, including an overview of the product strategy, key issues and product plan. This is should be done by the Head of Product. Allocate 30 minutes for this section.

🔬 Research and insights

Review any high-level research, learnings or insights that will affect our product plans and projects. Allocate about 30 minutes for this topic

🚥 Individual swim lanes

Ask each product leader to present their product area and lead a discussion. This should last about 30 minutes.

📝 Open issues

Keep a running list of open issues during the meeting and outline the next steps and timing. Sometimes these are referred to as “So-what’s and go-do’s”. Typically this section will take between 30 and 60 minutes.

✅ Next steps

What are our next steps?

Overall, conducting quarterly product strategy meetings can help the product team stay focused, adaptable, and innovative, which are all essential qualities for success in a fast-paced and ever-changing business environment.